A series of podcasts is aiming to take help to those with mental ill health who are searching online for solutions.

The podcasts, which are being produced by charity Equal Lives, will all feature either someone with lived experience of poor mental health, or a mental health professional.

And Kimberly Myhill, who is behind the project, said it came from studying how people were looking for help.

Development officer at Equal Lives Miss Myhill said: 'I did a bit of research that was showing people just Google everything before they are going to services, so I was trying to create something for them to find.'

Recording on the podcasts starts next week, and they will be released soon afterwards on Equal Lives' YouTube page.

One of those involved was former TV presenter Helen McDermott.

She said she had suffered with depression and for a long time, did not talk about it.

'When I was on Anglia I was off for a bit, I never said why,' she said. 'I feel it is very important that anyone can get it at any time.'

Ms McDermott said she was lucky to access help.

'In my case a lot of people were surprised because I seem like an outgoing person,' she said. 'It's been a struggle all my life and still is. I still think there's quite a lot of stigma. Hopefully this helps people.'

Miss Myhill added: 'I know there are people who know they need help but they don't know how to ask, or it will reassure people before they go to maybe a first appointment. It can feel hopeless for people so showing real experience of people who have been at the lowest of the low but recovered is really helpful.'

The podcasts will be recorded at the Assembly House, with chef and director of the Assembly House Richard Hughes appearing on one of the episodes.

• The podcasts will be available on Youtube by visiting www.youtube.com/user/DisabilityNorfolk