Asthma and respiratory patients will soon have the option to swap to a "greener" inhaler under a new initiative in Norfolk and Waveney.

The region's Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) will offer some patients a dry powder inhalers (DPI) instead of metered dose inhalers (MDIs).

The DPI inhaler could reduce a patient's carbon footprint by the equivalent of driving around 1,740 miles a year as it does not use "powerful" greenhouse gases to propel the medication into the patient’s lungs.

Patients will be able to discuss their choice at their next respiratory review appointment and given training on how to use it.

Michael Dennis, the CCG's head of medicines optimisation, said: “People who need to use metered dose inhalers should absolutely continue to do so – but if you have the choice of a greener option, do think about the environment.”

Inhalers can be returned to pharmacies or GP practice dispensary for disposal or recycling.