A HARLESTON hotelier said he was hoping for an invitation to next year's royal wedding after being made president of the Federation of Professional Toast -masters.

Robin Twigge, who owns the Swan Hotel, spoke of his delight after taking over the reins of the national organisation.

The 60-year-old, who joined the toastmasters institution in 1994, was elected by his fellow members to become president.

Mr Twigge, who performs the master of ceremonies function at weddings, masonic functions and other large gatherings, said it would be 'fantastic' if he was asked to the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton on April 29.

The hotelier, who performs his toastmaster routine at about a dozen functions a year, said he was surprised to be made president.

'I am very honoured and it is very good for Harleston and for the area. I do not think I am worthy of it; I am not at pompous as some people that do it.'

'I was vice-president for a couple of years and I do it as a hobby and it is great fun. It keeps etiquette alive,' he said.

The federation, which was formed to promote the art of the toastmaster, celebrated its 25th anniversary earlier this year at Gorleston, near Great Yarmouth.