A night of Scottish celebrations are to take place at Wymondham's Central Hall as two community groups join forces for Burns Night.

Wymondham Rotary and Lions clubs are hosting the event on Friday, January 27, from 6.30pm.

There will be a traditional two course Burns supper, 'piping in' and addressing of the haggis.

This will be followed by dancing to Ceilidh band Happy Feet until 11pm.

Tickets are £20 and will be available online at www.wymfest.org.uk, by e-mail from prichardson@downhammanor.co.uk, or jamwilde@hotmail.com, and from George R Reeve Ltd stationary and card in Market Street.

Profits from the event will go to help Chapel Road School in Attleborough.

As last year, if any supporters of other charities wish to purchase tickets through their charity, £5 per ticket will go to that charity.