A high school has received a glowing report about the behaviour of its pupils after a surprise Ofsted inspection.

Inspector Jason Howard arrived at Taverham High School without any notice on September 23, because the chief inspector was concerned about behaviour at the academy.

The school had been rated 'outstanding' for behaviour and safety of pupils following its last full inspection in 2012.

Following the new inspection, which was limited to behaviour and safety, Mr Howard wrote: 'Leaders and managers have taken effective action to maintain the high standards of behaviour and attitudes identified at the academy's previous inspection.'

He said pupils said they felt safe in all parts of the site; they are 'polite, helpful and welcoming to visitors'; they move around the 'calmly and purposefully', and damage, litter and graffiti were 'almost unknown'.

He added: 'Students indicate that low-level disruption within lessons is very rare, and that serious incidents are seldom. On the very rare occasions when students drift off task, teachers spot this swiftly and re-engage them in their work.

'Students note that teachers rarely need to use formal warnings or sanctions to improve behaviour.'

Headteacher Liz Plater said the inspection was triggered by a complaint, but after getting over the initial shock, she welcomed the idea of showing how good the school was.

She said the inspector spent three hours walking around the school unaccompanied, and added: 'The thing that particularly impressed him was that all the students spoke highly of the school.

'Because it was a behaviour report, I was really glad that he was able to say that no bad behaviour was seen during the inspection, which reinforced what we know.'

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