A high school which was given notice to improve is making progress, say education watchdogs.

Ofsted inspectors visited St Clement's High School, in Terrington, last month.

Their report said the 600-pupil school, which has suffered a number of senior staff changes, was given notice to improve in October 2009.

'Her Majesty's Chief Inspector is of the opinion that the school no longer requires significant improvement,' it goes on.

'St Clement's High School is now a satisfactory but improving school with several good features.

'As the result of a strong focus on improving areas of weakness, the school has fully addressed the concerns raised by the last inspection, and has improved key areas of provision.'

Inspectors said attainment in both GCSE maths and English rose in 2010.

They found the pass rate in vocational subjects was above average, while standards across the school are rising 'in line with national expectations'. But they were critical of the way students of higher ability were taught.

'Inspectors observed a number of good and some outstanding lessons which were well managed and stimulating, with students well engaged in interesting learning activities,' the report says.

'In the very few inadequate lessons observed, students' behaviour impaired the progress of others.'

Marking and assessments also came in for criticism.

'Most work is checked and some is marked well,' adds the inspectors' report.

'But not enough students are given regular, detailed, marking feedback about how to improve their work.'

In their overall assessment, the inspectors rated the school as satisfactory and it's capapcity to improve as good.

'Most parents and carers are happy with their child's experience at school,' the report says.

But a small minority feel that the school does not deal effectively with unacceptable behaviour.