Ofsted inspectors have rated a village primary school near Wells as outstanding and said the majority of its pupils are working at levels two years above their ages in English and maths.

The inspectors' report on Langham Village School also praised pupils' understanding of different cultures and moral values.

It highlighted how pupils regularly communicate through the internet with schools in India and Japan and commented on how they are already learning French, Spanish and Finnish and are keenly anticipating learning to speak Russian.

The report drew attention to the school's 'enviable' sporting reputation and the fact that the school choir has performed at the Royal Albert Hall.

The report, published this month following a two-day inspection at the end of November, said: 'Langham provides its pupils with an outstanding quality of education. The inspirational head teacher, his dedicated staff team and astute governing body all share the drive, skills and ambition to build on the school's many successes, with energy and enthusiasm.'

It adds: 'Current standards are high in years two to six, with the very large majority of pupils working at least two years above their chronological ages in English and mathematics.

'Pupils with special educational needs and/ or disabilities also attain highly compared to similar pupils nationally. They are on track to achieve expected levels for average ability year six pupils in 2012.'

The report rated the school as outstanding in all areas apart from its overall effectiveness of the early years foundation stage, which was rated as good.

The school was rated as good in its most recent previous report which was published in November, 2006.

This year's report was complimentary of the school's innovative approach to learning and gave, as an example, 'the beach project', where pupils have worked with University of East Anglia scientists and Natural England to identify scientific information and record findings on local beaches and surrounding areas.

The report said: 'Pupils' personal development is outstanding. They are inquisitive and enthusiastic learners who take strong ownership of their independent learning. Their behaviour is excellent and their uptake of healthy lifestyles is impressive, as is their contribution to local, wider and international communities.'

The report comes in the 20th anniversary year of head teacher Mike Green, who has guided the school from two classes of 39 pupils to today's full role of 89 pupils.

Mr Green paid tribute to the children, parents, staff, volunteers and governors.

He said: 'We are always working hard to enable the children to have a happy, purposeful and enriching experience.

'The Ofsted report endorses our philosophy and approach but any successful institution is there because of everyone who feeds into its ethos. I would like to thank everyone for their magnificent support.'

In a letter to the pupils lead inspector Judi Bedawi wrote: 'You go to an outstanding school and make far better progress than pupils in almost all other primary schools; keep it up!'