Parents, pupils and staff at north Norwich children's centre joined together to celebrate their outstanding Ofsted report yesterday.

North city children's centre, which is based in Angel Road, was graded outstanding or good in all of the areas it was assessed in.

Manager of the centre, Cheryl Burge, said: 'To receive outstanding is amazing.

'The parents have completely taken us in and we are a part of the community. Some families say we have changed their lives.'

The centre caters for children up to five years old and it is used by more than 400 families every month.

The report praised the children's centre for its work with families: 'Inclusion of all children and families is central to the centre's work. The sense of community in the centre is tangible, with families from all backgrounds and cultures welcomed by staff and by each other. One parent commented 'It's so good to get together with people from other backgrounds'.

'There is a clear commitment to equality of opportunity.

'For example, holiday activities are opened up to older siblings to ensure that younger children are still able to access services.'

The school was commended for its cafe which opens two days a week and provides healthy, affordable meals for families and has stimulated an interest in cooking.

The report outlined areas for improvement and said the centre needs a sharper strategic focus and clear, ambitious targets with timescales.

*Do you have an education story? Call Victoria Leggett on 01603 772468 or email