Nine Norfolk headteachers will visit schools in London tomorrow to look at how to raise levels of attainment among white working class children.

Norfolk County Council and the Norfolk Primary Headteachers' Association (NPHA) have arranged the visit to Lambeth to explore ways of better supporting learning among white children from deprived backgrounds.

It follows concerns raised by Ofsted that children from deprived backgrounds in rural and coastal areas were not achieving as well as children in large urban areas, such as London, Birmingham and Manchester.

In 2012, Lambeth was ranked fourth nationally for levels of attainment among children in receipt of free school meals.

The headteachers from Lionwood Junior School, St Nicholas Priory Junior School, Lakenham Primary School, Kinsale Infant School, Beeston Primary School, George White Junior School, Catton Grove Primary School and Narborough/Sporle/Castle Acre will take part in the visit.

Sarah Shirras, chair of NPHA, said: 'As headteachers we are absolutely determined to do everything we can to support children's learning and make sure that every child is doing their very best.

'Everyone working in education in Norfolk knows that the answers in raising levels of achievement lie both in and outside of the county and we have to look for best practice, share best practice and continue to work together across schools of every type and make-up if we are to succeed for Norfolk's children.'

Mick Castle, cabinet member for education and schools at Norfolk County Council, said: 'We have both urban and rural deprivation in the county and we need to do more to narrow the gap between children from middle class and working class families. All children deserve the best possible education and their class and background should not be a barrier, or an excuse, for low aspirations or levels of achievement.

'We want to draw on the expertise of those who can help Norfolk's schools to better support these children. There is already some good work going on in many of the county's schools but Lambeth is a leader in this field and we are keen to learn from what they have achieved.'

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