A select group of Norwich children will be able to ask their questions to directly to British astronaut Tim Peake as he orbits above them on the International Space Station.

Here are some of the top contenders for the linkup, which will happen later this month:

• What do you do if you cut yourself really badly in space?

• What experiment would you like to add to your mission based on the experiences you have had?

• Is there a sport you can play on the ISS with the other crew members?

• How do you get changed in space - won't your clothes go everywhere?

• One of the experiments you are conducting in space is to measure fluid shifts in the body. In what way does this help us back on Earth?

• With the basic design of current spacecraft dating back decades, where do you think the next leap forward in spacecraft technology will occur?

• How different was the training compared to the experience of actually launching into space?

• With improving technology on earth, are there experiments that you are currently carrying out in space that could one day be repeated on earth?

• If everyone in Britain turned their lights on and off at the same time, would you see it from space?

• How does being in space make you relate to your place in the universe?

What would you ask Tim Peake? Comment below.