A tiny north Norfolk primary school made a big impression on Ofsted inspectors, who praised it for helping children to 'rise to challenges'.

Swanton Abbott Primary, which has 77 pupils and is led by headteacher Kay Timms, got a 'good' rating from the inspectors, who visited on January 17 and 18.

In their report, they said: 'This is a good school. It provides pupils with enjoyable learning experiences, so they rise to challenges and are determined to reach, and increasingly exceed, their goals.

'Attendance is high, reflecting pupils' thirst for knowledge. The headteachers drives the school onwards and upwards at a good pace, with enthusiasm and commitment from all of the staff and the governing body.'

The added that standards were 'above average', and said: 'In the reception class the strong focus on letters and sounds to embed basic skills has had a positive impact on early writing.

'There are significant strengths in speaking, listening and use of a wide vocabulary throughout the school.'

The inspectors pointed out positive comments from parents, including one who said: 'I couldn't wish for a more lovely school to send my child to.' Another said: 'The school looks after my children as individuals and as a result they are thriving. I am delighted.'

The report was peppered with outstanding ratings, including for behaviour, pupil safety, healthy lifestyles, attendance and the effectiveness of care, guidance and support.

? To read the report in full, visit www.ofsted.gov.uk.