Like many 16 year olds across the country I am currently participating in the final year of high school, 11 years of education being compressed into an hour or so of writing...

Many things in this period of our lives seem a little challenging, however one that I feel makes a particular impact is finding the motivation to revise. Therefore, to help the procrastinators, I have come up with a few ways to get through the next few months or so.


A chore to some, but exercise actually has many benefits in regard to your revision. Endorphins are released when exercising which are known to be the 'happy hormones', increasing productivity and helping eliminate any stress that you may be feeling.

Light at the end of the tunnel

It may seem far, but at some point these tiresome days will come to an end, leaving us with an expansive summer to cram pack with a variety of activities.

It is important to keep working hard, you want to be able to enjoy your summer without looking back and wishing you had done things differently. On results day, happiness is the only emotion you want to feel, not regret or disappointment.

Look to the future

GCSEs may only seem like a bunch of exams, but you are actually building the foundations for future job prospects or opportunities.

Give yourself a goal in life; my personal one is to be prime minister, telling myself the only way I can reach this goal is by working my socks off.

You may have a different goal, like owning your own business or owning a big home; either way, having something to work towards can give you the greatest motivation, driving you to where you want to be.

Laura Wright, 16, Wymondham