Ihsan Mosque in Norwich has opened its doors as part of Islam Awareness Week.

The city's Lord Mayor, Ralph Gayton, attended the launch of the Norwich part of the week-long national event, aimed at increasing awareness of the Muslim community.

Organisers hope the week will provide an insight into the lives of the local Muslims and an opportunity to meet the community.

Organiser Momodou Taal said: 'Everyone is welcome to these interesting free events, especially our Sunday soup kitchen. It will be nice for people to see that we are really no different from everyone else.'

Mr Gayton said it was an important step towards breaking down barriers, and added: 'I hope as many people as possible from all religions and also those who do not follow a denomination will take the opportunity to find out what Muslim views are.'

The week of events, which will include school visits and interactive talks, ties in with the national annual event celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. This year's theme is 'The things we have in common.'

Sean Hanif Whyte, director of Ihsan Mosque on Chapelfield East, said: 'I think this week in Norwich is important in giving people the opportunity to see a community of converts. It is an example of a British community. It will be great for people to realise there is a mosque here and find out more.

'This mosque has been here for 30 years and was the first to be opened by indigenous British Muslims.'

Rebecca Gibbs, policy and equality officer and Norfolk City Council said: 'I do spend time with Muslim groups and the mosque is a building I walk past a lot.

'I'm very interested in religious communities so I wanted to find out more. Diversity adds a great deal to Norwich.'

Further events this week at the mosque are:

Today, 1pm – 'Muhammad, who is he?' followed by questions.

Tomorrow, 3.30pm: 'Islam in the Media – Fact or Fiction?'

Thursday, 1pm to 5pm: Open day and school visits hosted by the Young Muslims of Norwich.

Friday, 7.30pm to 9pm: Traditional sufi gathering with Arabic poetry.

Saturday, 11am to 5pm: Open day and exhibition; 4pm: Mosque tour.

Sunday, 11.30am to 12.30pm: Recitation of the Quran. 1.30pm: 'Islamic Solutions to the Economic Crisis;' 3.30pm to 4.30pm: Soup kitchen.

At Fusion @ The Forum, Millenium Plain Norwich, 2pm to 2.30pm: 'Islam: Religion of Love?'

For more information on the week's events contact: Momodou.Taal@gmail.com or 07947776626.