A Norfolk primary school has been praised by Ofsted after receiving an outstanding report.

Blofield Primary School was rated outstanding and praised for the delivery of teaching and practical lessons.

The report said: 'Teachers extend pupils' thinking through the use of searching questions. Pupils relish the challenges set by teachers. They have high levels of concentration and their contributions are insightful and considered, demonstrating outstanding learning skills.'

Pupils' achievement and extent that they enjoy learning was rated as outstanding.

The report said: 'Within a Key Stage 2 topic about the Tudors, there was a real buzz of excitement as pupils identified features of good performance, using photographs of them acting from the day before, before embarking on a piece of persuasive writing. Pupils become successful and self assured learners who participate in all activities with great enthusiasm.'

The school was rated outstanding for the pupils' contribution to the school and wider economy.

Headteacher Oliver Burwood said: 'The whole school is pleased. We are proud.

'The children are involved with the village fete which centres around the school and it involves everyone in the village.

'We are involved in the local community and the children have contributed to charities such as Leeway and we are also involved in the wider community as the school sponsors two children in India.'

Pupils safety, behaviour, development and attendance were all rated outstanding.

*Do you have an education story for the Evening News? Contact Steve Downes on 01263 513920 or email steve.downes@archant.co.uk.