Saturday, January 24, 2037 – that is the date of the party that Thorpe House Langley Preparatory School pupils have been invited to.

The party is scheduled for 25 years' time, when the pupils will be well into their 30s and memories of primary school education will long have faded.

On that date the pupils from the Thorpe St Andrew school will be reunited with staff to open a time capsule that was placed in a school attic yesterday morning.

Into the capsule went a piece by each child about what they think the world will be like and what they will be doing, as well as a new school tie and an old school tie. The capsule was completed with a school photo from June 2011, class lists for the current and previous academic years, a list of teaching staff, a merit badge, core values badge, four house badges, a school prospectus and a disc of photos from the last year.

Thorpe House headteacher, Simon Marfleet, said: 'The children have been really excited about this. It has made them think about what the world will be like in 25 years so what a number of the teachers have done is talk about what life was like 25 years ago with them.

'They explained that people didn't have computers and mobile phones then and the children just can't understand that.'

As ever, the youngsters' imaginations did not hold them back. One predicted she would be Queen, another said he would be living in Vancouver, Canada, and another said he would be living on Mars.

Mr Marfleet, who revealed he will be a grand age of 82 by the time of the party, added: 'Sometimes capsules are put in the ground and just left for people to find in the future, or dug up after 100 years, and we thought that we would like our pupils to be involved. Most of our staff could still be working here then as well.

'The kids really came up with some amazing things, and some funny things too, like that they wouldn't be married and things like that.'

The Yarmouth Road school is holding an open day on Wednesday, January 25, between 9.30am and noon, for parents of prospective pupils. For further details, call 01603 433861 or go to

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