It's come to that time of year again where many of us start to take a new pathway in our lives.

Whether it's a new school, university, place to go to, or even just another academic year, change can be very daunting for all of us.

However, moving on is a great chance for a new start. When asked what she's most looking forward to, soon to be university student Sophie Edwards said: 'I'm most looking forward to starting fresh and meeting new people, I can't wait to learn new things.'

The 18-year-old went on to say 'I'm so excited... A bit nervous but mostly excited.'

Moving on can create a brilliant new chapter in your life as well as incredible opportunities, new friends and amazing memories. So here are my top five tips on starting fresh:

1. Be Yourself

This is a great chance to be who you want to be.

2. Introduce Yourself

Instead of hiding at the back or behind the crowds, make the effort to stand out and make new friends.

3. You're not the only one

There are so many other people going through the same changes in life you are.

4. Give it time

If things don't work out straight away, try again.

5. Stay Positive

If things seem tough, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

For more tips on fitting in at a new school visit:

Taylor Ball, 13, Gorleston