Dyslexia, Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia are only a few of the hidden learning difficulties which many people face in their day to day life. But how badly can they affect young people?

In the UK, it is estimated that about 1.5m people suffer from a learning disability.

Some are noticed from a very early stage, however sometimes it is not until later in life people are diagnosed.

I was one of the latter – I proceeded through primary and high school constantly frustrated with how I was behind with everyone else when it came to maths.

I struggled to understand the time, basic multiplication and even sometimes addition.

On top of this I suffered from poor co-ordination, concentration and spatial awareness. It wasn't until sixth form I was finally diagnosed with both Dyscalculia and Dyspraxia.

Learning disabilities can affect people in numerous ways, if you suffer from a specific learning disability such as Dyslexia then school can sometimes be daunting, especially if it affects your ability to keep up with classmates.

You may excel in one area but struggle in another. There has even been links showing how children with learning disabilities are more likely to develop mental health problems such as anxiety.

For myself and many others, I always got frustrated and flustered in class.

If I couldn't do what everyone else could then I would panic and become anxious, sometimes even refusing to do the work in fear of getting worked up.

I viewed myself as stupid, despite still excelling in subjects such as English.

It is important for learning disabilities to be recognised as early as possible to find strategies that can help you feel at ease and more confident in yourself and day to day life.

Many iconic people such as Daniel Radcliffe (Dyspraxia), Michael Phelps (ADHD) and Kiera Knightley (Dyslexia) suffer from learning disabilites and prove you can be just as successful as everyone else.

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