How can we work together to improve life in Dereham? That is the challenge from a charity which is growing in size and linking with more organisations to support people across the community.

Dereham Community Support Centre (DCSC) has been operating for almost a year, following the decision by a group of volunteers who ran Dereham Baptist Church's Y-Friday Youth Club to form a charitable company with the aim of increasing local facilities and activities.

It aims to bring together those who love the town with those who need love from the town.

The charity has launched a new community focused website - - which encourages local people to get involved in the work of the charity and to input ideas for further activities.

The homepage features an introductory video message from charity secretary Andrew Frere-Smith, where he poses the question: 'How do you think we can continue to improve the town of Dereham?'.

DCSC offers a host of activities serving the local community, particularly those people who are vulnerable or at risk of exclusion.

Their work includes lessons in English for migrant workers, a Food Bank, youth clubs, street outreach and signposting to other support services.

DCSC works in partnership with Norwich Food Bank, Matthew Project, Connects & Co, Amigos Project, Norfolk Street Partnership, Dereham Sure Start, Dereham Baptist Church, Northgate High School and Neatherd High School.

Mr Frere-Smith said: 'We are delighted with our new website, which has already brought together a number of people who live in the Dereham area and want to support the community. We hope it will develop into a hub that connects those offering help with those needing it, and a forum for the development of new ideas.'

DCSC uses venues from across the town to host its activities, partnering with a range of agencies. It has an office in the annexe of Dereham Baptist Church.

For further information please contact Andrew Frere-Smith on