A man was caught performing sexual acts on himself on Marriott's Way by a student and a dog walker.

Jak Masters, from Angel Road, Norwich, was seen with his trousers round his ankles on the popular footpath and cycle route.

Yesterday at Norwich Crown Court he was sentenced to 20 weeks in prison, suspended for two years.

He was spotted on July 2 last year at around 6.30pm by a student.

She flagged down her friend and told her she had seen a man committing a sexual act.

On August 14, at 2.30pm, a 42-year-old dog walker saw Masters again on Marriott's Way, committing the sexual act.

That day he was arrested and taken to Wymondham police station, but when the female officer checked his cell he performed the sexual act again.

Martin Ivory, prosecuting, told the court he was asked to stop, but continued.

At an earlier hearing on March 20 he admitted four counts of indecent exposure.

The indecent exposures took place at the Norwich end of the Marriott's Way around Wensum Park.

John Morgans, mitigating, said alcohol had played a part in Masters' acts.

He said: 'Unlike so many cases like this, no excuses are put forward.

'The times he has behaved inappropriately are the times when he has been drinking to excess.

'This is a young man who has had a terrible bereavement, who recognises the seriousness of what he has done.'

He was punished by Norwich Magistrates' Court last year for similar offences of indecent behaviour in a public place, only to offend again.

He had to return to the court for breaking the court order he was given.

Recorder Guy Ayers said Masters gained sexual gratification from being watched performing the act.

He told him: 'In a prison cell you would wait for a female police officer to check you were alright. This is a long established pattern of behaviour.'

Masters will have to complete a sex offenders course.

Do you have a crime story for the Evening News? Contact reporter Peter Walsh on 01603 772436 or email peter.walsh@archant.co.uk