A surgery is considering forking out for CCTV after its patients' blood pressure machine was stolen.

Eastern Daily Press: An A&D Professional blood pressure machine, like that which was stolen from School Lane Surgery in Thetford.An A&D Professional blood pressure machine, like that which was stolen from School Lane Surgery in Thetford. (Image: Submitted)

The BP machine at School Lane Surgery in Thetford, went missing between 9am and 5pm on Monday, January 16.

The £2,000 piece of equipment, which sat in the surgery's reception area, was for patients to use to take their own blood pressure, reducing the need for specific appointments.

Compliance manager Claire Osterberg said: 'It was potentially a life-saving piece of equipment.

'We ask people to come along whenever they want and write their details on a slip, which we can add to their clinical records, and if anything abnormal shows up we can get them in with a GP straight away. That is something that you would not normally be able to do.

'It is a big heavy machine so you do not think you are going to have to secure it down.

'It was used in the morning, then at about 5pm a patient was on their way out and asked where the machine was.'

Practice manager Carly Bassett said the A&D Professional BP machine was not the first item to be taken from the surgery, with a shower and radio previously going missing.

She said: 'I think we are going to have to invest in CCTV rather than getting a new machine, which is an awful thing to have to do, but if people are going to steal them, what is the point in replacing them?'

Anyone with information about the theft should contact Norfolk police on 101 quoting crime reference 36/13028/17.