A Sheringham based firm has received a business boost from retail entrepreneur Theo Paphitis.

Last week Penny and Mike Jones, owners of Crabpot Cottages, tweeted Mr Paphitis about their holiday cottage letting business during 'small business Sunday'.

Crabpot Cottages was one of six weekly winners to gain a retweet from the dragon to his 500,000 Twitter followers.

Penny Jones said: "It is great to have support from Theo, we know we are a little fish in a very big pond of corporate letting agencies, but we believe small and personal is best."

Small business champion Mr Paphitis, said: "We are thrilled to welcome new members every week and highlight just how important it is to support our small businesses here in the UK.

"My vision is that everyone who has ever won are-tweet from me becomes part of a friendly club; like-minded individuals who can share successes and learnings."