The leader of Norfolk County Council answered questions about the impact of funding cuts at an annual community lunch in Holt today (Tuesday).

Held by the Holt and District Rotary Club, at the Community Centre, Derrick Murphy answered questions from Sally Martin of the north Norfolk branch of Age UK, Julie Alford of Holt Youth Project, and questions from the public.

He said: 'The council wants to use your feedback.

'I want Norfolk to be the best and it will be. My job is to make sure we do the best we can in a very, very difficult time.'

Representatives from Break, Citizens Advice Bureau, DeBra, EACH, Friends of Kelling Hospital, Glaven Caring, Kelling Hospital Appeal, Norfolk Coalition of Disabled People, The Norfolk Hospice and The Salvation Army attended.

Many addressed Mr Murphy and expressed the impact of spending cuts on Norfolk's elderly, disabled and youth.

'This event has re-enforced a lot of the views the council already have,' Mr Murphy said.

'There is an on-going decision and debate with Norfolk County Council and the people of the county about how we go forward.

'A lot of the comments I have gained from here will feed back into what we do with the budget for next year.'

Mr Murphy added he was keen to increase the number of available apprenticeships.