It is a little gesture aimed at tackling a big problem - dog mess.

And now a drawing by Year 4 pupil Sophie Bryant will be seen across south Norfolk after she won the top prize in a 'Bag It Bin It' competition.

Sophie, who goes to Costessey Junior School, drew the picture of a dog and its owner which was picked out of 87 entries from schoolmates to be made into a sticker.

The sticker has been placed on lampposts to encourage people to clean up after their pets.

Sophie said she was thrilled to have won the South Norfolk Council-run competition.

She said: 'It was exciting to see my design made into a sticker and I'm looking forward to showing it to my mum.'

Kay Mason-Billig, South Norfolk's cabinet member for environment and recycling, said she was delighted with the outcome of the drawing contest.

Ms Mason-Billig said it was aimed at helping children as well as adults become responsible dog owners.

She said: 'This competition has really helped raise awareness among the local community and beyond.

'Not only are children learning about how to be responsible dog owners but the message is also getting through to their parents and carers.'

Ms Mason-Billig said dog mess left on the pavement was not only disgusting, but was also a health hazard.

She said: 'Sophie's poster hammers home a serious message to irresponsible owners.

'I'd like to thank all the children that entered the competition and look forward to seeing this successful campaign replicated at other schools across the district.'

The whole of the South Norfolk district is covered by a Dog Control Order.

This makes it an offence to allow a dog, which you are responsible for, to foul in a public place and not clear it up immediately.

Offenders can be issued with a fixed penalty notice of £80, which is reduced to £60 if paid within 10 days. If the issue is taken to court, they can be fined up to £1,000.

Anyone who sees someone allowing their dog to foul without clearing it up can report it online at

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