Every week we look back at some of the biggest stories that got you talking and highlight a few comments that stood out to us.

This weeks big story that had you all talking was if King's Lynn was the right location for the incinerator to be built. Here are just some of the comments:

You can also find the original story along with all the comments by following the link at the top right of the page.


'waste of public money how much is this costing the tax payer? Its not safe dont build it here!!!!! If such a facility is needed stick it where the majority of people live to reduce transport ( that will be Norwich then but the NIMBY councillors at county hall wont ever allow that will they!)'

Responsible parent

'Stop stalling. Get it built, create jobs and make the best use of our rubbish !'

d, west lynn

'erm, pot kettle black di.ckens? R.parent, what jobs are these? the handful at the efw? What about the many that would be created with alternative technologies?'

ingo wagenknecht

'Those who want jobs should look no further than the continent were they are recycling and reusing valuable resources rather than filling holes in the ground or burning what is perfectly good to recycle. One could think that those in a hole should stop digging, why burn something of value, and pay for it when you can get paid for its reuse. A national reuse strategy would open new revenue stream and create jobs, not cost us in expensive PFI's, its a no brainer.'

Jamie Smith

'Build it and the rubbish will come. You can't keep filling the holes in the ground, recycle as much as possible, and make best use of the stuff that can't be remodeled, or repurposed. I'm sure there will be some sort of EU law against any seriously damaging bi-products of the process. People NEVER want these things to happen near them. People didnt want the wind farm at Sheringham. There is a massive need for sustainable energy and the fact that we choose to remain a throwaway culture shows the burning process to be one of the best uses of our financial resources. Save any land that could be used for Landfill for useful things like Hospitals, Schools, Business premises etc. jaroldcanary - the simple fact is that people will take the easiest option. If your plan is so brilliant, why is there no motion behind it? Incinerating this stuff is the easiest way of doing it. Easiest may not always be the best, but you can never satisfy everyone. If anything, any houses near it will be more affordable because, snobs wont want to be near it. RESULT. The council are spot on to push it through, and I don't like agreeing with Tories. So put up AND shut up.'


'This was a very good start to the anti-campaign. So that everyone is aware the County Council has vast resources behind its attempt to bring in the incinerator (as does Cory). Carla Goodyear did very well and did anyone notice the mobile phone going off at an opportune time for the pro-incinerator camp? If anyone really believes such incinerators are safe then they have clearly not read much about them. Why oh why would you put one close to a large town, on a site that would ensure that the prevailing wind takes its poisons (and there can be no denying that they are produced) directly over the people who live there?'

Mad Dog

'The rubbish will come in on lorries and will be burned. Simple as that. There are no toxic fumes or any health dangers. The site is well away from Lynn anyway. Big fuss over nothing.'

jennifer jane

'I do not recall seeing how the rubbish will arrive in Kings Lynn. Is the A47 ready for the extra traffic. Surely all this rubbish should be moved by rail and Kings Lynn is not the most accessable place by rail from Norfolk.'

Canary Boy

'So he who told people to stay away yesterday must have attended the meeting to observe the fishwives as he calls them!! I was impressed with Mrs Hill she came across as professional and unbiased which is all I ask. I look forward to the weeks to come when we will at last hear all relevant facts, except the withheld evidence that NCC & CW still refuse to release. You have to ask why they dare not release information about filters and elements of wastes to be accepted. No surprise that they will say nothing about Norfolk taxpayers funding CW legal representation.'


'If this gets rejected perhaps NCC will use the old RAF Coltishall site as their back up plan for an alternative site? It would be interesting to see what all of the Norwich area commentators on this site would have to say about this as a potential plan B. If Cllr Borrett is so impressed with incineration and is completely happy that there is no possible harm to health then perhaps the EDP can ask him to go on record and say he would be very happy to have an incinerator located in Hoe where he lives. ps DICKENS - please grow up. There are an awful lot of people in the county particularly in West Norfolk who are very worried about this. They deserve to be heard. I recently attended a Norfolk Waste Summit organised by Cllr Borrett and NCC. One of the main speakers from a well known respected commercial company did not give incineration a very good 'write up'. It was very apparent that Norfolk is light years behind other counties when it comes to recycling and the disposal of household waste. Do your homework and when you have give me a call and I will happily stand in the KL Tuesday market place and debate the issue with you. You had better stick with me because it is apparent that your Tory propaganda is getting in the way of a reasoned debate and you couldn't hold your own with the grown ups inside the Corn Exchange. This inquiry is about giving all parties the opportunity to make their case in a grown up professional way. We should all be thankful for this opportunity.'

Thank you to everyone who contributed to the story with their opinions and thoughts.

Again use the link in the top right of this page to head over to the full story with the comments used here and any others we couldn't fit in.