A charity event for a girl from north Norwich battling against time to avoid a double leg amputation has raised close to £2,000.

The owners of the Louise Deli on Upper Giles Street held the event at Old Catton Village hall on February 25, and raised a total of around £1,750.

One-year-old Victoria Komada was born with one in a million condition bilateral tibial hemimilia, and doctors in the UK recommended amputation.

But a specialist in Florida has offered treatment, which costs more than £300,000 and should be done by her second birthday.

The family has been fundraising in Poland and the UK, and currently have around £100,000 for the operation.

An article which appeared in the EDP this week said an event would be held at Louise Deli on Saturday. This is not the case and we apologise for the error. A donation tin will be available at the shop for those who wish to donate.