A Beccles-based boatyard has received a national award for its work promoting and facilitating sustainable travel.

Hippersons Boatyard, which offers self-catering holidays on the Broads, has received the Silver award from Green Tourism.

Along with its commitment to "promoting and facilitating sustainable travel options for visitors and for the business" the award was given for its "strong performance" in protecting staff and customer health and wellbeing.

Green Tourism said that Hippersons has “excellent knowledge and awareness of all aspects of sustainability on show throughout” and it felt that the boatyard has as “excellent promotion of the destination area and how to enjoy it responsibly”.

Mary and Simon Sparrow, owners of Hippersons Boatyard, said: “We are thrilled to have received a silver award, we have been working hard to ensure we promote responsible and sustainable tourism and are thrilled to have our efforts recognised.

"We now need to start working towards a gold using the excellent pointers from the assessors.“