Norfolk County Council is a Gateway organisation for the Government’s Kickstart scheme and if you’re a business in Norfolk, you can use it to offer a work placement and help a young person improve their chances of getting a job.

Kickstart will cover the National Minimum Wage for 16-24-year olds up to 25 hours a week.

Your business will benefit too as the scheme can help increase your capacity and support the local economy.

Apply through Norfolk County Council and the team will support you through the whole process – all free of charge. It will also help you access funding to support the young person’s placement and offer guidance on post-placement options.

Amanda May-Khalil is one of five directors who own Maple Tree Care, a small family run home for adults with learning difficulties. All five directors work in the home on a day-to-day basis, supported by a team of experienced carers. Together they have created a family-style living environment where residents can feel safe and calm.

“We decided to apply to the Kickstart scheme when a new resident came to live with us”, says Amanda. “Ben* is 23 and younger than our other residents. We thought it would be great to offer work placements through Kickstart and get some younger staff on board to work with him.

Eastern Daily Press: Amanda May-Khalil, one of five directors of Maple Tree Care, says getting young people interested in the profession can be difficultAmanda May-Khalil, one of five directors of Maple Tree Care, says getting young people interested in the profession can be difficult (Image: Getty Images)

“It’s wonderful to see our two young placements working with Ben and the other residents and making the most of the Kickstart opportunity. They’ve both said they’d like to stay on after the placement – which is fantastic as in the care sector we often struggle to attract young people.

“Joining Kickstart through Norfolk County Council has been a very positive experience. The council was there to advise and support us whenever we needed it and always got back to us quickly if we had any questions.”

Hannah Holley, 18, is enthusiastic about her Kickstart placement at Maple Tree Care. "Since starting my role I’ve been made to feel part of a really caring and close team of support workers.

"Maple Tree Care is different from other learning disability care homes because it is small enough that I have managed to build a really great bond already with all the residents, showing me what excellent care is all about.

"The directors work shifts every day to ensure I have had the support and training I need to grow in this role, and I can see myself working my way up and growing in confidence.”

To be eligible for the Kickstart scheme you must be 16-24 years old and in receipt of Universal Credit. If you meet this criteria, contact your Jobcentre work coach to find out more about the vacancies available.

For more information about Kickstart, visit

*Resident’s name has been changed to protect confidentiality