Christmas is meant to be a time for spreading festive cheer, but a study has found that 77pc of British couples spend most of the holiday arguing over decorations.

The survey, which polled the opinion of 1,012 respondents aged between 18 and 65 years old found that before the Christmas fun can even begin, couples disagree over the best way to decorate the home.

A whopping 77pc of couples who took part in HomeSense's study said they 'usually' bickered over the placement of decorations, with women saying their partners didn't know where decorations should go, and men thinking women were picky.

Despite these differences, most agreed that tinsel is a no-go, with only 9pc saying they used it in their home.

As well as this, 89pc of Brits felt that putting up the Christmas tree signified the start of the Christmas period and 61pc of people stuck to a clear theme when decorating their home.

• What do you and your partner bicker over at Christmas time? Let us know in the comments below.