If you want to compete in the world's strongest man competition, then 'Big' Andy Clarke thinks he can help.

The competitive strongman knows what training and skills are needed to be the best, and he believes that strongmen across the county can get that little bit extra at his new gym.

Big Andy's Gym, in Swaffham Hill, Dereham, has opened this week.

Mr Clarke said: 'This is the only strongman gym in Norfolk that is run by a competitive strongman.

'Most are run by corporate people or businessmen.

'While I'm hiring the building, I have spent about £15,000 on all the equipment.

'If you've watched the world's strongest man on TV, all the stuff and gym equipment you would have seen on that, is in the gym.

'I'm a competitive strongman so I know what other strongmen need to train for strongest man competitions.

'I have won three titles this year and came third in England, so I know what is expected.

'While a lot of what you need is strength, you will be useless if you don't have the technique.'

Mr Clarke won Kent's strongest man, placed third in Elite England strongest man and also won the South-east England's strongest man.

He is also a qualifier for Britain's strongest man.

The gym, which will also run fitness/circuit classes, will be open from 9am to 8pm daily from Monday to Friday and from 9am to 3pm on Sundays.

Do you have a Dereham story? Email adam.lazzari@archant.co.uk