Villagers are hoping to clean the names on their historic war memorial so they can pay a fitting tribute to those who died in the First World War.

'I feel it is appropriate as we mark the mark the 100th anniversary of World War One that we undertake another clean of the memorial,' said Hethersett Parish Council chairman Fred Watkins.

A total of 17 names from the First World War are listed on the memorial in the grounds of St Remigius Church, in Norwich Road, Hethersett.

Another 12 names are listed from the Second World War.

But over time the memorial - which was dedicated to the village on Sunday, July 11 1920, after the parish council raised £162 to pay for it the previous September - has become worn, with the names becoming more difficult to read.

'We've cleaned it several times in the past,' said Mr Watkins.

'Obviously, it's our way of showing that those names on the memorial still do mean something to us. They do not just fade way.

'This year in particular, when we get to Remembrance Sunday 2014, people will be thinking a lot about centenary and obviously it would be nice if all those names were there.'

Mr Watkins stressed that the clean-up bid was in its 'very early stages'.

As the memorial - which takes the form of a tall cross on a three-stepped plinth - is sited in the churchyard, on the north nave facing the pathway, the parish council has to seek permission from the church to get onto the land for the clean-up.

The villagers' aim would be to clean the names on the memorial, as well as tidy up any leaves which blow away from wreaths left on Remembrance Sunday.

Is your community organising anything to commemorate the centenary of the First World War in South Norfolk? Call EDP reporter Andrew Papworth on 01379 651153 or email