Norwich-based insurance giant Aviva has revealed some of the unusual claims it has received from customers.

From potatoes chipping cars and phones falling in custard, the insurance company have seen it all.

The firm, which has their largest UK offices in Surrey Street, paid around 800,000 general insurance claims last year.

A motor insurance claim stated that an oncoming tractor was pulling a trailer of potatoes, some of the potatoes flew off the trailer and into the car.

The claimant said "there were no injuries but there were some chips from where the potatoes hit the car."

A deer fell into a customer's outdoor swimming pool and damaged the cover, pool lining and caused a leak.

A local animal charity looked after the dear whilst Aviva settled the claim.

Why did the chicken cross the road? One driver had to brake to avoid a hen in the highway, followed by being hit in the rear bumper by another car.

A customer sneezed whilst eating his lunch on the sofa, catapulting soup all over the carpet and couch.

A driver bumped into a parked vehicle after a spider ran up her leg.

An excitable dog wagged its tail into a can of beer, spilling it over the owner's laptop.

A drone hit a customer's house which knocked off a roof-tile. Both the drone and tile fell onto the customer's car, damaging the vehicle's door and roof.

One customer had to make a claim for a replacement phone after dropping it into a bowl of custard.

One claim stated how when baking a carrot cake, the oven door exploded.

Another claim was by a customer who was waiting next to their vehicle outside a cricket club when a cricket ball flew out of the grounds and dented the bonnet.

The club said that it was the third time something like that had happened that week!

One customer's car was struck by a toilet cistern which fell from a passing tipper truck.

When decorating, a customer tripped over the family cat, causing him to spill paint on the living room carpet and furniture.

One customer was startled by a wasp, causing her to spill a can of cola in her car boot.

The liquid unfortunately seeped into the vehicles electrics, damaging the audio and sat-nav system.

A final claim was from a woman who placed her grocery shopping on her sofa in her kitchen-diner.

She didn't realise that a couple of bananas had fallen behind the cushions until a few days later, when they stained the sofa as they rotted.

Gareth Hemming, Managing Director Personal Lines, said: “Whatever the circumstances, our priority is to help to put things right for our customers – whether this means getting them back on the road, replacing shattered windows or supplying new carpets."