Despite being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, Norwich-based author Kristy Nicolle finds solace and strength in her writing.

Despite being diagnosed with fibromyalgia, Norwich-based author Kristy Nicolle finds solace and strength in her writing.

Miss Nicolle has written the first in her trilogy series, and the last book is set to come out December 10.

A Thorpe Marriott resident, Miss Nicolle recently moved back to the area to live close to her family following her diagnosis.

Miss Nicolle has fibromyalgia, which is a pain condition that affects one in 10 women.

She said: 'I've always had back pain and problems, and I thought I had something seriously wrong with my spine because I was having a lot of nerve pain.

'It's a chronic pain condition, so I get pain for no reason. There are around 150 symptoms, which is why it's so hard to diagnose.

'It's changed my life quite a lot.'

She finished her undergraduate degree last year, and enrolled in a 21st century literature master's programme before having to drop out because her diagnosis made her unable to cope with the amount of work.

She said: 'It's actually funny, because I dropped out thinking I couldn't keep up with the work, but now I probably do double that amount between writing, editing and publishing.'

Her books are called the Tidal Kiss Trilogy, and are the first three in a set of trilogies.

The novels follow the adventures of Callie Pierce, who finds herself caught up in a life-changing sequence of events that bring her into a new world, a world of mermaids.

Miss Nicolle started writing the series when she was 17, and it wasn't until her boyfriend found the stories amongst her things that she began to seriously consider publishing.

She said: 'I never thought it would go anywhere. After my boyfriend found it, he really pushed me to publish.

'I got into the final year of my degree and kept looking at it. Then when I got my diagnosis, I thought rather than sitting around at home I'll do something. So I published my first book last December.'

About her boyfriend, she said: 'He's been so great through all of this. After I got my diagnosis he knew I wanted to move back to be with my family, so he left his job and moved with me.

'He really encouraged me to publish, and I couldn't have done it or be where I am now without his and others' support.

'My work is very insular, and I edit and work alone. So I really rely on him for social interaction because I can't go out anymore due to my diagnosis.'

She said: 'The books help me deal with my diagnosis. They are an escape, when I am having a flare or don't want to be in my body anymore, I can leave this world and go be a mermaid.'

The third book in the Tidal Kiss Trilogy is called 'The Kiss that Changed me' and will be released on December 10.

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