The chairman of an independently-run community hall in Attleborough has hit back after a district councillor described the building as 'not fit for purpose.'

Peter Thatcher, chairman of the Connaught Hall, said it was disappointing that Breckland Councillor Adrian Stasiak had made the comments at a recent meeting of Attleborough Town Council.

The district councillor said at a meeting on January 9 that new ideas were needed for the building, off Station Road, given the town's future growth.

However, Mr Thatcher responded this week by declaring that the hall, which is used for a range of community activities and private functions, was in a 'very good condition' and �8,500 had been spent on refurbishing the bar and lounge and a similar amount was going to be spent on upgrading the toilets within the next few months.

'The building is 60 years old and it is not falling down. We have a very active committee who are all very keen to see the hall go from strength to strength, we also have many bookings throughout this year and next. 'Therefore, I would like to point out that the Connaught Hall is fit for purpose and therefore, does not need to be demolished,' he said.

The hall is currently run by a group of ten trustees and employs a full-time manager.

We would like to clarify that the building of new homes in Attleborough, referred to by Mr Stasiak in our story last week, related to a recent planning application on Buckenham Road for 26 houses, which he spoke in favour of to help reduce Breckland's housing waiting list. He was not referring to building new homes at the site of Connaught Hall.