A campaign to keep the spirits up of a Norwich 11-year-old awaiting treatment for cancer has resulted in floods of letters with messages of support and gifts, including an iPod touch, giant teddy and even a visit from reindeer.

%image(14807866, type="article-full", alt="Faith Constance (11) has been diagnosed with cancer. To raise her spirits her parents have launched an appeal on Facebook called "Tokens for Faith" and more than a hundred people have sent letters and gifts. Picture: James Bass Photography")

Faith Constance, 11, of Appleyard Crescent, Mile Cross, was diagnosed with hodgkin or non-hodgkin lymphoma on December 8 - with a scan on December 20 to confirm which condition she has.

The day after the diagnosis, parents Ady and Tequila Barnard, along with a small group of friends, started the Facebook appeal to support her during the ordeal.

She has now received more than 100 letters through the post with envelopes labelled as 'a token for Faith.'

People have written messages of support including personal gifts such as a 'jar of happiness' to keep her smiling through her treatment.

%image(14807866, type="article-full", alt="Faith Constance (11) has been diagnosed with cancer. To raise her spirits her parents have launched an appeal on Facebook called "Tokens for Faith" and more than a hundred people have sent letters and gifts. Picture: James Bass Photography")

She has also received a giant teddy, a framed print donated by a local photographer, and an iPod touch, to keep her occupied in hospital.

Faith said: 'It's amazing, i can't believe people are sending me things, I'm looking forward to writing back to people who put a return address on.'

She found out she had cancer after a visit to her local GP on December 2 as her parents thought a lump on her upper left elbow was an infection.

After a second diagnosis from orthopaedics and an x-ray she was told she had cancer.

%image(14807866, type="article-full", alt="Faith Constance (11) has been diagnosed with cancer. To raise her spirits her parents have launched an appeal on Facebook called "Tokens for Faith" and more than a hundred people have sent letters and gifts. Picture: James Bass Photography")

Her mother said that with the lump on her arm growing rapidly and causing her pain she gets emotional, but reading the cards makes her smile come back.

Mrs Barnard said: 'It's the one thing that keeps me going. I'm her mum and I should be able to fix her but I can't. At least I can make it as best as it can be and keep her spirits up.'

Kate Scorey, a family friend who is helping with the appeal, said: 'It is every parent's nightmare but it has really helped her mum to deal with the situation.

'Faith is amazed when she comes home to find a pile of well wishes, and her smile brightens up the darkest of rooms.'

The selfless schoolgirl set up a group with her mum last year called 'random acts of kindness' where they made cakes and handed them out to charity shops and funeral homes.

They also made lunches to hand out to the homeless.

Kate added: 'This is Faith through and through. She is wise beyond her years and an incredible little girl.

'She always helps out her mum and dad and three siblings and will never see anyone sad or upset.'

The messages Faith has received

What do snowmen eat for breakfast? Ice crispies! Who gives puppies Christmas presents? Santa Paws What do you call a deer with no eyes? No idea! What do Santa's helpers learn at school? The elfabet! To Faith, Merry Christmas princess, love and prayers, the Tooke family x

Dear Faith, I understand you are going through a tough time right now. I wish you strength to get through this which I know you will. Have a beautiful Christmas, beautiful girl. Love June xxx

It sounds like you're going through a hard time this year and I want you to know that there is good in the world and I want to wish you a happy Christmas and get better soon. Love Mary xxx

Hi Faith, my name is Tracey and I just wanted to send you a card to let you know that you are not alone. Whatever the future holds, believe me, the sun will rise, the birds will sing and fairies will fly around! Be brave, remember to laugh but above all - BELIEVE! Sending you much love - T

If you would like to send a 'token of kindness' to Faith, the address is: 59 Appleyard Crescent, Norwich, Norfolk, NR3 2QW