SHAUN LOWTHORPE Former US vice-president turned eco-campaigner Al Gore is heading to East Anglia today to deliver training to 200 business leaders, academics and politicians on climate change.


Former US vice-president turned eco-campaigner Al Gore is heading to East Anglia today to deliver training to 200 business leaders, academics and politicians on climate change.

Mr Gore, whose film An Inconvenient Truth won an Oscar, will be in Cambridge today and tomorrow taking part in two full-day sessions based on the movie.

In the evenings he will be delivering his slide presentation at two public lectures in front of around 2,000 people.

The sessions, organised by the University of Cambridge's programme for industry, will see climate change scientists and representatives of climate action initiatives working with delegates in the first part of the programme to achieve a common understanding of the science.

The programme will conclude with presentations and discussions with Mr Gore on recommended actions.

Those taking part in sessions include senior executives from companies such as Barclays Bank, BP, Johnson Matthey, Marks and Spencer and Unilever, and academics from UEA and Cambridge, Oxford and London universities, along with teachers and school heads.

MPs, civil servants and local government and European Parliament representatives will be there, as will people from faith groups and environmental groups such as WWF, Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the Council for the Protection of Rural England.