A couple who run a wildlife site in the Norfolk Broads will have to remove a yurt used for research after losing their dispute with the Broads Authority.

Steve Hooper and Mary Alexander got into a spot of bother after they built the small structure at Blackwater Carr, a rewilding site in Postwick next to the River Yare.

They created the canvas-covered space for it to serve as a place for storing documents and carrying out research and educational activities at the nature reserve, which they hope will gain Site of Special Scientific Interest status.

Eastern Daily Press: An aerial view of the Blackwater Carr site, where you can see the white-domed yurt in viewAn aerial view of the Blackwater Carr site, where you can see the white-domed yurt in view (Image: Google)

It could also be used for workers to stay in overnight if needed.

However, after it was reported to the Broads Authority (BA), officers decided to refuse permission for the yurt, complaining it was causing a "detrimental impact" to the Broads landscape as well as concerns it would be at risk of flooding due to being located in a floodplain.

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This was despite widespread support from locals and even Henry Cator, chair of the Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance (NSFA), who applauded the couple for their work supporting wildlife at Blackwater Carr.

He said: "Please may common sense prevail and this application be approved."

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Eastern Daily Press: Henry Cator, chair of the Norfolk Strategic Flood AllianceHenry Cator, chair of the Norfolk Strategic Flood Alliance (Image: Newsquest)

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After the yurt was rejected by the BA, Mr Hooper and Mrs Alexander appealed to the Planning Inspectorate - the government department that presides over planning disputes.

However, the appeal was later rejected.

Inspector James Blackwell acknowledged that the yurt offered a number of potential benefits for the couple's conservation work.

But he decided these did not outweigh the "potential flood risk harm" and said it conflicted with the development plan for the area.

Mr Blackwell decided to refuse the application, which will mean the couple will likely have to remove the yurt from the site.