The leader of the opposition Liberal Democrat group at Norfolk County Council has been re-elected to the role.

Brian Watkins, who represents Eaton division in Norwich, was elected to continue the position he has held for three years at the Lib Dem group's annual general meeting.

Eastern Daily Press: Brian WatkinsBrian Watkins (Image: Norfolk Liberal Democrats)

With the 11-strong Lib Dems having taken over from the 10-member Labour group as the official opposition to County Hall's controlling Conservatives, councillor Dan Roper has also been appointed chairman of the authority's scrutiny committee.

Mr Watkins said: "I am delighted to continue in my position as leader of the opposition, it is a vital time in local politics with a general election and local elections just around the corner.

"I intend to use my position, and the group's position, to champion the issues that mean the most to Norfolk’s residents.

Eastern Daily Press: Norfolk County Council's County Hall headquartersNorfolk County Council's County Hall headquarters (Image: Mike Page)

"Over the last year we have pushed for a strategy to eradicate fuel poverty in Norfolk, a national body to tackle issues with SEND provision, an end to sewage discharges in our treasured waterways, and many more vital issues."

Kay Mason Billig and Steve Morphew were previously re-elected as leaders of the Tory and Labour groups.