Another multi-week road closure is planned for Norfolk this week as work to lay miles of power cables continues. 

Burnthouse Lane in Little Melton will be closed from today until March 26 as workers build access points for the £8 billion Hornsea Three turbine field project

Danish energy firm Orsted is carrying out preparation work to lay 33 miles of power cables through the Norfolk countryside which will connect the 231-turbine offshore wind farm to a primary substation based in Swardeston. 

Eastern Daily Press: Orsted will commence work today and all traffic will be rerouted around adjoining roadsOrsted will commence work today and all traffic will be rerouted around adjoining roads (Image: Orsted)

The cables, which are being laid into open trenches before being covered up again, will run through Hethersett before heading north towards Weybourne on the coast.

READ MORE: Further disruption expected for drivers as wind farm firm to close road

The Burnthouse Lane closure will allow construction traffic to access the cable trenches in the area via the public road system. 

The lane will be closed from 8.30am today to 4.30pm on March 26, and then nearby Colney Lane will be closed for 10 days for the same set of works.

A diversion will direct traffic through Little Melton Road, Queens Road, the B1172 Norwich Road, Colney Lane and the sections of Burnthouse Lane which will remain open.