Police have closed an investigation into an attack which saw a man assaulted with a baseball bat in woodland on the edge of the city.

The man was attacked by another man near the woods off Red Bridge Lane in Costessey at around 3.30pm on Sunday, November 26 last year. 

The attacker inflicted minor injuries before fleeing the scene.

Eastern Daily Press: The Red Bridge which crosses the River Tud at CostesseyThe Red Bridge which crosses the River Tud at Costessey (Image: Newsquest)

A police spokesman confirmed: "All lines of enquiry have been exhausted and the case is now closed."

They added: "Of course, we would always review any new information provided to us."

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The attack was discussed at the latest Costessey Town Council meeting. 

Town councillor Ross Wheeldon said he had been collaborating with beat manager PC Andy Sneddon throughout the investigation. 

Eastern Daily Press: The man was assaulted with a baseball batThe man was assaulted with a baseball bat (Image: Adobe Stock)

Council documents said: "Police have undertaken an investigation into the reported incident in Gunton Lane Woods where someone was assaulted.

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"This has not yet been solved. 

"However, the police have made a full investigation into the matter and will continue to keep the lines of communication open."

Anyone with information can call Norfolk Police on 101.