Booking an appointment with a cosmetic dentist can result in a perfect smile and significantly boost your self-esteem. Whether you have chipped, stained, gapped or cracked teeth, you can achieve a radiant smile with dental veneers.

Dental veneers in Turkey have become the most preferred option for a complete smile transformation. They attract people because of their natural and aesthetic look after the procedure. Veneers are mostly used to enhance the shape and alignment of teeth, but they also help to sort out some dental issues.

Most countries around the globe offer veneer services, but Turkey has emerged the most popular destination for dental tourism. If you are curious about why Turkey is the top option for clients seeking cosmetic dentists, read on for more information.

Can You Trust Turkey for Veneers Fitting?

The major explanation for the affordable veneers prices in Turkey is the minimal operating costs compared to other European countries. Low costs of running clinics result in affordable cosmetic dentistry services.

Costs like rent, lab charges, insurance and salaries greatly impact the total cost of dental treatments. If the operating costs are low, the cost passed to patients is also low. In fact, Veneer prices in Turkey are lower by three or four times than in Europe or the US.

Besides the cost of operation, Turkey has been a global icon for dental services for ages. Numerous top-class veneer experts in Turkey are equipped with high quality equipment and technology. Thus, Turkish dental veneers are durable and meet the client’s aesthetic needs. Patients also receive personalised services where they decide what they want, relay their expectations and request services within their budget.

There are numerous excellent dental clinics in Turkey and Cosmedica Dental in Istanbul is one of them. It is a renowned clinic, and the article below will provide an in-depth analysis of its services.

Treatments at Cosmedica Dental in Istanbul

Cosmedica Dental is located in Istanbul, Turkey, and has been offering high-quality cosmetic dental services for over a decade. The clinic prides itself in providing excellent dental procedures in a hygienic environment with personalised care.

Numerous procedures are available, including veneer treatment, teeth whitening, dental implants and Invisalign. Cosmedica Dental offers quick treatment procedures with innovative and modern technology. That’s not all. The clinic’s employees are skilled dentists and dental specialists who prioritise your needs and satisfaction.

Cosmedica dentists have attained the relevant dental degrees. They regularly stay updated with the current dental trends in Turkey by attending training sessions.

Dental Veneers

A dental veneer is a custom-made ultra-thin sheet or shell made from porcelain or any other material designed to cover a tooth's front part for cosmetic purposes only. Dental veneers can change a tooth's shape, length, size or colour per your preference and aesthetic needs.

Veneers make a huge difference in your mouth and are the best options for a smile makeover if there are no serious underlying dental problems. Some things veneers can correct include gaps between teeth, chipped or cracked teeth, minimal teeth misalignment and discolouration.

If you decide to visit a Turkish dentist for veneers, knowing that these shells don’t treat all teeth problems is crucial. You will need to seek other appropriate treatments for issues like teeth misalignment, serious damage and decay, and teeth grinding.

Veneer Types and What Kinds Are Available at Cosmedica Dental

Dentists in Turkey use various types of veneers. Technological advancements have brought about more ultra-modern materials; thus, the treatment keeps getting better. The choice of veneers solely depends on your preference, budget and the mouth-related issue you want to fix. Here are the different categories:

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain is the most common material for teeth makeovers as its look and finish resemble the natural tooth enamel. Veneers with porcelain are custom-made with a thin porcelain coating, and they are famous for their durability and lack of staining. These veneers are more expensive than other types but require little maintenance. If well taken care of, they can last for up to 15 years.

A laminate veneer is the same as a porcelain veneer but much thinner. Laminate veneers thickness ranges from 0.5 mm to 1.2 mm, and they are also tough and durable.

Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are direct bonding veneers because of their mode of application. Instead of being designed in a lab, composite veneers involve the dentist placing a composite material or resin directly on the tooth.

The composite is tooth-coloured, and the dentist shapes it to form your preferred look. Direct bonding veneers are less expensive than porcelain. However, they are less durable and need a lot of maintenance.

Removable, Snap-on or Temporary Veneers

In this category, you can either choose instant or custom-made clip-on veneers. Instant veneers are the cheapest cosmetic teeth. Before use, you place them in hot water, pressing your teeth into the veneer’s soft-fitting material.

For custom snap-on veneers, a dentist must create an impression of your teeth and take them to the lab. The lab specialists then make the custom snap-on veneers.

Zirconia Veneers

These veneers are developed from a tooth-coloured ceramic substance known as Zirconia. Zirconia veneers are long-lasting, appear natural and are less affected by acidic foods and drinks. Their application is similar to that of veneers with porcelain.


It is a popular brand of veneers known for their ultra-thinness and clear nature. Lumineers are made from Cerinate porcelain, and their application is fast, as minimal or no enamel reduction is required.

E-Max Veneers

E.Max veneers are designed with a robust ceramic substance known as lithium disilicate. They are the trendiest option in the cosmetic teeth industry because of their longevity, natural teeth appearance, dazzling look and little preparation before the procedure.

E.Max veneers come in numerous shades of white, so you always find a suitable colour that doesn’t appear artificial. With E.Max veneers you can enjoy all sorts of foods and drinks without worrying about their damage.

Cosmedica Dental offers diverse kinds of veneers, including E.Max veneers. The choice depends on your budget, the current state of your teeth, the appearance you desire and the length of time you want to keep the veneers.

Why Consider Cosmedica Dental for Veneers?

Eastern Daily Press:

Cosmedica Dental offers each patient a personalised service. When you reach out to Cosmedica Dental online, you meet English-speaking dentists who perform dental examinations based on your pictures. They then create an initial treatment plan, which is discussed in depth during the first physical meeting.

Every dentist in Cosmedica is highly trained to handle and install all kinds of veneers. Whether you require minimal or some enamel removal, there is high quality equipment and technology to speed up the process.

Veneers in Turkey are quite affordable; this is the same for Cosmedica Dental. Compared to other top dental clinics in Europe, the UK and the US, Cosmedica offers competitive prices that match a patient’s budget. Even with an affordable price, the quality of service and treatment remains top-notch. If you choose an all-inclusive veneers package, the cost covers accommodation, airport transfers, a translator, all treatments, lab work, post-treatment care and medication.

After the veneer installation procedure, Cosmedica Dental extends patients’ care even when you leave Turkey. The progress checks are conducted remotely, but you can visit the clinic whenever you want to consult a dentist physically.

The Cosmedica Dental All-inclusive Package

Patients seeking a veneers procedure will be pleased that Cosmedica Dental offers an all-inclusive package to enhance their dental tourism itinerary. This package is perfect for international patients who want to improve their smiles and experience the beauty of Turkey.

The most famous all-inclusive package at Cosmedica Dental for only 3900€ covers the following:

  • Treatment with 12 dental veneers (E-max)
  • VIP transfer
  • 5 stars accommodation
  • Dental Examination & Consultation
  • Panaromic X-Ray
  • Projection with modern technology (Cad Cam)
  • Translator
  • Medication
  • Post-treatment checkup

The Cost of Veneers

Veneers cost in Turkey greatly varies because every patient gets a customised service depending on their dental treatment needs. Cosmedica Dental accepts online consultations so that patients can explain their dental aesthetic needs and receive quotes.

The cost of veneers in Turkey will depend on the application material and how many veneers you want. A full set of veneers is expensive, so most patients only cover teeth along the smile line.

At Cosmedica Dental, the cost of veneers for the all-inclusive package ranges from €2550 to €5200 for 6 and 18 veneers. These costs cover all the services indicated in the all-inclusive section above. It is crucial to note that insurance may not cover veneers as they fall under cosmetic procedures.

The Process and Procedure of Veneers Fitting

Getting veneers begins when you book an online consultation with a dentist in Turkey. The online consultation session is essential as the dentist gauges your treatment desires and they come up with a treatment strategy. During the online session, the dentist may request the latest photos of your smile, an X-ray and past medical information.

After agreeing with the dentist, you travel to Istanbul and stay for the time agreed on the treatment plan. During treatment, you should visit the clinic as often as required for a successful teeth makeover.

On the first day at the dental clinic, the veneers procedure starts with the dentist inspecting your teeth and gums to determine if you qualify for veneers. If you want veneers with porcelain, the dentist removes a bit of your enamel. Afterwards, the dental expert produces impressions of your teeth and transfers them to the dental lab technician to design your veneers.

If the dentist anticipates that it may take time to customise your veneers, you get temporary veneers. However, with the current cutting-edge technology, making custom veneers is fast and takes a few days. After your veneers are ready, the lab technician ships them to your dentist.

The dentist confirms the colour, shape and size on your next visit. If there are details you dislike, you should inform the dentist for adjustments at the laboratory. If satisfied, the dentist begins bonding the veneers to your teeth. After the procedure, the dentist analyses your bite and makes adjustments accordingly.

After the veneer placement procedure is complete, you can continue your routine and usual day-to-day activities. Ensure you prioritise dental care guidelines outlined by your dentist for the veneers to last long and maintain your new beautiful smile.

How to Contact Cosmedica Dental in Istanbul

If you choose Cosmedica Dental to install dental veneers in Turkey, you can reach them in a number of ways. Once you visit the official Cosmedica dental website, you can request a free online consultation at any time with a single click. Other communication channels include calling +90 544 556 05 55 or emailing the clinic through

The Cosmedica Dental clinic in Turkey is also very active on social media pages. For WhatsApp, click on the green chat icon at the bottom of the webpage. It will redirect you to WhatsApp, for chat with a specialist. On Facebook, search Cosmedica Dental, and on Instagram, go to

If you consider a dental treatment in Turkey, like dental veneers, dental implants, a root canal treatment or a professional teeth whitening - contact our team and we will help you with your decision!