Two passers-by saved the day by tackling a man they saw running from police in the city centre.

At around 12.30pm on Monday, police were seen speaking to a man near the Marks & Spencer store in Rampant Horse Street.

As crowds gathered the man ran away, causing two onlookers to intervene and tackle him to the ground to help the officers.

One witness, who does not want to be named, said: "Two officers were talking to the man, then all of a sudden he ran off across the road towards Gentleman's Walk.

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"Two members of the public saw what was going on, as one of the officers was shouting after him.

"They tackled him to the floor as he went past so the police could catch up with him and they then arrested him.

"It happened quite quickly but it was quite dramatic and there was quite a crowd looking on - the city was quite busy at the time."

A spokeswoman for Norfolk Police said: "Yesterday (Monday, February 19) at 12.38pm, officers arrested a man aged in his 30s on suspicion of possession with intent to supply a class A drug.

"Greg Murphy, 30, was taken to Wymondham Police investigation Centre for questioning and was charged with two counts of possession with intent to supply a class A drug and possession of criminal property."

Murphy appeared at Norwich Magistrates' Court today (February 20) and was remanded into custody to appear at Norwich Crown Court on March 18.