A road between two villages in Norfolk has been partially blocked after part of a grass verge collapsed. 

The landslide has covered roughly two-thirds of the tarmac on Caistor Lane, between Caistor St Edmund and Framingham Earl, making it nearly impassable to vehicle traffic. 

It has been blocked since at least 10.55am when Gary Starman snapped a picture with his car's dashcam. 

Eastern Daily Press: The verge collapsed sometime this morning following heavy rainsThe verge collapsed sometime this morning following heavy rains (Image: Gary Starman)

It has now been surrounded by barriers by Norfolk County Council but it is currently unknown when highway workers will be able to fully clear the blockage. 

READ MORE: Travel chaos across county as major roads left underwater after heavy downpours

Mr Starman said further 'cracks' were appearing along the verge, highlighting more possible collapses.

Eastern Daily Press: Barriers have since been placed around the landslideBarriers have since been placed around the landslide (Image: Jasper Copping)

Another motorist said: "Apparently it all came down in the rain.

"It’s quite a busy cut-through between Caistor and Framingham Earl and Poringland.

Eastern Daily Press: A smaller landslide has fallen in Hollow Lane in nearby ShoteshamA smaller landslide has fallen in Hollow Lane in nearby Shotesham (Image: Jasper Copping)

"This morning it was quite difficult for traffic to get past but now there are cordons and signs it is possible for cars to pass it."

A smaller landslide in nearby Shotesham has seen earth and undergrowth fall onto Hollow Lane, which links Shotesham St Mary and Shotesham All Saints.

The road is still open and traffic is able to pass.