A Norwich teacher who was caught behind the wheel while disqualified has escaped a fresh driving ban. 

Simon Hicks, 44, was stopped by police in Pitt Street on March 28 last year after his Nissan Duke car was flagged up as belonging to a disqualified driver. 

But appearing at Norwich Magistrates’ Court, the English teacher, who works at Eaton Hall Specialist Academy, argued he had never received notification that he had been banned the previous month.

The court was told he had been sentenced in his absence to a six month disqualification due to the totting up of penalty points. 

READ MORE: Norfolk disqualified driver caught back behind wheel in days

Ian Fisher, mitigating, said he had been “entirely unaware” he was driving illegally and that a mix up over post at his shared accommodation was behind him not receiving notification. 

Hicks, of Waterloo Road, pleaded guilty to driving while disqualified and having no insurance. 

Magistrates decided against sentencing him to a new driving ban imposing six penalty points on his licence instead.

He was also ordered to pay fines and costs totalling £1,330.