A new seasonal car boot sale will be launching at a country farm this spring. 

Maggie Hoyle, a local horse owner and charity fundraiser, has announced that the Equestrian & General Car Boot Sale is coming to Page's Farm in Scratby.

Up to 14 events will be held on select Sundays between March 31 and September where gates will open at 8am and refreshments will be available.

Eastern Daily Press: Page's Farm will be the host of the new salePage's Farm will be the host of the new sale (Image: Google Maps)

Ms Hoyle said: "All of the sales will be in aid of charity and a different charity is nominated for each sale.

"I raised more than £2,500 last year over several sales for four different charities and every single penny raised on the day goes to the charity."

READ MORE: Julie's Carboot Sale in Burgh Castle to end after 29 years

Each pitch will be charged £5 to set up and there will be an optional  £1 donation per visitor vehicle. 

The first car boot is on  Sunday, March 31.

Page's Farm is a 20-acre space which grows asparagus.

Jack Page started the PYO business more than 35 years ago which is now run by Philip Page.