Three motorists were given "a stern warning" by police during speed checks.

A series of speed checks have been carried out on busy stretches of roads in parts of Great Yarmouth.

Great Yarmouth Police officers conducted the speed checks on the afternoons of February 2 and February 3 after residents in Cobholm and Southtown raised concerns about speeding drivers.

Three cars were stopped by police during the checks.

Eastern Daily Press: Speed checks were carried out in Cobholm and Southtown. Picture: Great Yarmouth PoliceSpeed checks were carried out in Cobholm and Southtown. Picture: Great Yarmouth Police (Image: Great Yarmouth Police)

In posts on its Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) pages, a Great Yarmouth Police spokesman said: "After residents in Cobholm and Southtown asked us to prioritise tackling speeding in the area, PCs Norris, Gray, and Fondzeyuf-Nsame were out with their speed guns last weekend.

"On Friday (February 2) around the end of the school day, and on Saturday (February 3) in the afternoon, they were in the area doing checks.

"Nobody was caught speeding excessively at the time, but they did stop three cars to offer a stern warning to drivers who were 'pushing the limit'.

"The officers also used the opportunity to engage with college students in the area about driving safely."