A bid to transform a prominent retail shop that has remained empty in Lowestoft town centre for more than three years has moved a significant step forward.

Change of use plans to turn the former Burton menswear, and most recently the Limelite fashion store on London Road North, into an Adult Gaming Centre (AGC), were given the go-ahead before Christmas.

Eastern Daily Press:

And now an application centring around "Illuminated Advertisement Consent" for the "Erection and display of internally illuminated fascia and projecting signage" at 78-80 London Road North, Lowestoft has been "approved" by East Suffolk Council under delegated powers.

Eastern Daily Press: New plans have been lodged for the former Burton menswear store in Lowestoft town centre. Picture:

It comes after a scheme centring around "Change of use of the ground floor from a retail unit (Class E) to an Adult Gaming Centre (Sui Generis) and staff area with external alterations and associated works" was submitted to East Suffolk Council by Bradley Hall Chartered Surveyors and Estate Agents on behalf of the applicant Luxury Leisure last year, and approved under delegated council powers on December 7.

Eastern Daily Press:

With the 'Illuminated Advertisement Consent' application lodged by the applicant Luxury Leisure on December 12, it was approved this week.

A delegated report from the council's case officer said: "The application site is a vacant retail unit located in the primary shopping frontage of Lowestoft town centre, formerly occupied by Burtons, situated on the east side of London Road North.

"The ground floor unit is 213sq m and has been vacant since June 2020.

"Permission was recently granted for a change of use of the ground floor from a retail unit (Class E a) to Adult Gaming Centre (Sui Generis) and associated external alterations and works (DC/23/3254/FUL).

"As this is an application under the advertisement regulations, rather than the TCPA, the decision is delegated to the Head of Planning and Coastal Management.

Recommending the scheme for approval subject to conditions, it said: "Approve advertisement consent."

Giving "consent for the display of Illuminated Advertising", a decision notice letter from the council stated: "Permission is hereby granted by East Suffolk Council subject to compliance with conditions."