A man has avoided being sent to jail over the discovery of more than 2,500 indecent images and videos of young children on seven different devices.

George Otty, 62, was told he was being spared an immediate prison and given a suspended sentence despite being made subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order “to protect the public from you”.

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told police had been tipped off about his activities and had seized electronic devices after getting a warrant to search his Diss home.

Eastern Daily Press: Thousands of indecent images of children were discovered on devices seized from Otty's home in DissThousands of indecent images of children were discovered on devices seized from Otty's home in Diss (Image: PA)

Rima Begum, prosecuting, said analysis had found that seven devices including a Samsung phone, Sony tablet, iPad and a desktop computer contained thousands of images and videos of young children. 

READ MORE: Diss man admitting having 2,500 indecent images of children

Otty, of Willbye Avenue, Diss, pleaded guilty in November to four charges of possessing indecent images of a child between 2015 and 2020.

The charges relate to 141 images and 17 videos classified as category A - the most serious type.

He also admitted possession of 565 category B images and 1,800 category C.

Andrew Spence, mitigating, said: “He has not fully appreciated what he was doing though he does have some insight that these sorts of images do contribute to and perpetuate child abuse and he is very sorry for that.”

Eastern Daily Press: Sexual Harm Prevention OrderSexual Harm Prevention Order (Image: Newsquest)

Otty, who appeared in court using a zimmer frame, had suffered serious lasting injuries after being hit while riding his pushbike on three separate occasions between the 1980s and 2000s, he said.

READ MORE: Norwich 'pillar' of the community spared jail over indecent images

“They are contributing factors to him living a more isolated life than he might have otherwise and when that is the case it can lead to people spending more time online, “ he added.

Magistrates said although they believed his offending had crossed the custody threshold they were suspending a 12 month sentence for two years. 

He was ordered to attend 25 rehabilitation days to address his behaviour, made subject of a five-year sexual harm protection order and will be subject to police notification requirements for a further 10 years.