A burglar has been sent back to prison after failing to obey the conditions of his release. 

Lee Trench, 42, pleaded guilty to breach of post sentence supervision after he ignored the probation requirements of his release. 

Norwich Magistrates’ Court was told he had failed to attend a single appointment and failed to to contact the probation service or inform them of his whereabouts. 

It came after Trench, of no fixed abode, but who previously lived at Albert Square, Great Yarmouth, was released from prison following a 21 month sentence for burglary.

READ MORE: Thief snared after DNA found on rock put through car window

In 2022 he also admitted breaking into a car on Queen's Road in Yarmouth after being arrested when his DNA was found on a rock.

Annette Hall, mitigating, said: “He accepts he has not made contact but he is homeless. He is trying to find somewhere to live but is stuck in that cycle of prison and then having no accommodation.”

The court was told he had been recalled to jail on three previous occasions for failing to abide. 

Magistrates ruled he should return to prison for seven days.