Families in Norfolk and Suffolk who have suffered a loss due to mental ill health have been encouraged to share their stories.

The Campaign to Save Mental Health Services in Norfolk and Suffolk has appealed for bereaved families to come forward with examples of where care has not been up to scratch.

The volunteer organisation is hosting two events - one in Norwich and one in Ipswich - at which people can confide in campaigners and describe their concerns.

It comes after the campaign group wrote to the chief constables of Norfolk and Suffolk police calling for criminal investigations into mental health deaths in the region.

Mark Harrison, the campaign's chairman, said: "The police have said they are taking the contents of our letter very seriously and would 'welcome any further information or evidence'.

"To collect this information we are asking bereaved families and friends of people who have sadly lost their lives while under the care of NSFT or who have died within six months of leaving hospital to provide us with any evidence you have."

The Norwich even will be held on Sunday, February 11, while the Ipswich event will be two weeks later on February 25.

Email norfolksuffolkcrisis@gmail.com for venue details and more information.