Heart operations carried out at Norfolk's largest hospital have been broadcast and watched live by hundreds of people.

Four cardiologists from the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital were live-streamed during a series of operations as part of a large-scale training conference.

It meant cameras were trained on the quartet while they carried out a string of heart operations - including a procedure called angioplasty which is used to widen blood vessels.

It was part of the Advanced Cardiovascular Intervention conference, which is held over three days in January in London.

The broadcasts were organised to share a method used by the hospital involving drug-coated balloons instead of metal stents to carry out operations."

Patient details were kept anonymous during the broadcasts while each patient also consented to the streams taking place.

Simon Eccleshall, consultant cardiologist at the N&N, said: "Over the last few years there has been a lot of interest in it drug-coated balloons and as experts in this field we were asked to be the centre to showcase this type of procedure."